Knee-nja Warrior: My Quest to Beat the Pain

Fellow Truth Seeker
2 min readSep 28, 2023

(draft improved by chatgpt)

In my quest for self-improvement, I embarked on a journey to address a specific physical issue — my troublesome knees. This ordeal began when I noticed persistent knee pain during my hikes in 2020. It was a cause for concern, especially given my family history on my father’s side. It seemed that knee issues were a genetic legacy, as everyone seemed to start moving like penguins after they turned 60. I realized I needed to take action urgently to protect my knees.

I began my journey by consulting a medical professional who performed some basic tests but didn’t find any significant problems. Next, I underwent an X-ray, which revealed an interesting aspect of my knee troubles. It turned out that my muscles and ligaments in my quads had to overextend to support my knees, leading to constant pain. The solution, according to the medical advice I received, was to strengthen my quads.

Here are some of the steps I took to alleviate my knee pain and improve my physical well-being:

  1. Incorporated animal flow workouts into my routine once or twice a week. Moves like “crab walks” and “bear crawl” helped lubricate my joints and improve flexibility.
    > Patrick Frost on Nike Training Club is a personal fav trainer
  2. Committed to regular strength training that targeted my quads. Using weights, I focused on building strength in this area, which played a crucial role in supporting my knees.
  3. While I haven’t always been consistent with it, I found great tips from “Knees Over Toes Guy.” His approach centered on both lubricating and strengthening the knees, which complemented my efforts. Tibialis Raises really help!
  4. Addressing Shin Splints: Alongside knee issues, I also faced extremely painful shin splints during my runs. Thanks to advice from a friend, I realized that
    (a) my shoes were too old and lacked proper insoles. I invested in a pair of Brooks and added Aetrex insoles, which significantly reduced my shin pain and even helped me run faster.
    (b) I learned that running too aggressively, especially after long periods of inactivity, could strain my legs. It’s essential to approach running with moderation and ensure your shoes and body are adequately prepared for the task.
  5. Apart from this I also just needed to make sure I got my macro intake right. As a vegetarian, its easy to lose focus of protein, so drinking a supplementary shake everyday has helped me heal.

While it may seem like a lot to take in, implementing these changes gradually made them part of my daily routine. Over time, they became second nature, and the knee pain that once plagued me started to diminish. I hope that sharing my experience can be helpful to others facing similar challenges on their path to self-improvement. Remember, taking care of your body is a journey worth embarking on, one step at a time.

