10. More on Flow

Fellow Truth Seeker
1 min readMay 13, 2022

(thoughts from Nov 2021)

Being spontaneous for a whole trip doesn’t make sense to it. It’s also an act of privilege :)

In India, I’d have to save up for half a year and plan well in advance to get my approvals to go to a first world country. Imagine going to Paris and not getting tickets to the Eiffel tower because you didn’t plan well in advance.

And I don’t believe in going back to the same place again and again because there are so many places in the world to discover.

I was hardcore with day by day itineraries. My friend told me about PLANTANEOUS — planning to be spontaneous hahaha that was me.

But I feel more mellow. I still think everyone should plan their entire trip. Have a fully planned or a rough itinerary and DONT BE ATTACHED to seeing everything on that list. It’s okay if you don’t end up seeing the most famous thing. There’s no need to rate your productivity on your trip :)

